Wynncom has launched India’s first Hindi QUERTY keypad phone-Y-45. Wynncom already have seven mobile handsets in India. Its India’s first Hindi QWERTY keypad phone-Y-45 which makes it easier for a user to express in Hindi without any language restrictions. Y 45 support dual SIM (GSM+GSM) with a 5.6 cm (2.2) 262 TFT colour screen, supports social networking sites like Opera Mini, Snaptu, Nimbuzz, Facebook, Twitter, MSN etc.
Its a new idea to make texting in Hindi possible by introducing a Hindi Qwerty keypad phone. This will helpful for users in the small towns and villages. Y-45 also support a Geographic location finder named Saarthi.
The handset equipped with 1.3 MP camera, 1100 mAh Battery (long lasting battery – Talk time of 7 hours & Standby time of 250 Hrs), expandable memory up to 8 GB, Bluetooth with A2DP, E mail facility, PC Sync, Video recording and Playback.
At the launch event, Arvind Vohra, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Wynn Telecom Ltd said, “With our mission to offer something new and exciting to our consumers we have devised Y-45 a multimedia series mobile phone for those who are looking for Hindi keypad on a QWERTY phone at affordable price. In smaller cities where English language is a big hurdle for communicating your thoughts while texting a SMS, Y-45 will act as an apt medium for the people to express themselves in Hindi in a better way”.
Y-45 also allows to send free SMS’s across India, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines instantly with an inbuilt free application for sending sms from well known free sms site 160by2. Wynncom Y-45 phone is available just at ì 3395.
Its a new idea to make texting in Hindi possible by introducing a Hindi Qwerty keypad phone. This will helpful for users in the small towns and villages. Y-45 also support a Geographic location finder named Saarthi.
The handset equipped with 1.3 MP camera, 1100 mAh Battery (long lasting battery – Talk time of 7 hours & Standby time of 250 Hrs), expandable memory up to 8 GB, Bluetooth with A2DP, E mail facility, PC Sync, Video recording and Playback.
At the launch event, Arvind Vohra, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Wynn Telecom Ltd said, “With our mission to offer something new and exciting to our consumers we have devised Y-45 a multimedia series mobile phone for those who are looking for Hindi keypad on a QWERTY phone at affordable price. In smaller cities where English language is a big hurdle for communicating your thoughts while texting a SMS, Y-45 will act as an apt medium for the people to express themselves in Hindi in a better way”.
Y-45 also allows to send free SMS’s across India, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines instantly with an inbuilt free application for sending sms from well known free sms site 160by2. Wynncom Y-45 phone is available just at ì 3395.
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