Binatone has launched an affordable Android tablet named Home Surf Touch Tablet. This running with Android 1.6 and featuring a resistive touchscreen, the 8-inch tablet’s features will not inspire awe, but its price will surely enhance its appeal, at Rs. 8,995. Binatone is a UK based company and now entered the Indian market with a product mean for Indian market.
Home Surf Touch Tablet is cheaper than most available smartphones but it can’t make calls. However, as a handheld media consumption and web-browsing device, it will probably serve relatively well, if one takes into account it doesn’t support Flash, and, has not revealed its WiFi specifications, which we assume to be 802.11b/g. The company refers to the device as an MID, or mobile internet device.
Calling it “almost as slim as an iPad”, the company is “committed to breaking the barriers of technology reaching the masses” with the device, and bring the high-end to everyone at “affordable prices”.
Other specifications of the device include 2GB onboard storage (once again we are forced to assume it will feature MicroSD or SD expandability), 128MB RAM, and as the brains behind the device, an ARM 11 667MHz processor. As for battery life, the company said the Home Surf Touch Tablet can “retain its charge for several hours in video, web browsing, and many other applications for daily use.”
Mr. Murthi, EVP Binatone India said, “Binatone plans to invest Rs 50 crores in the next 12 months in technology, product development and marketing. Our products are specifically “Indianised” with special features like “Audio boost”, “Power saver” and “Binatone Zone”, which all have been carefully market researched and implemented to address the specific Indian needs. Binatone is also bringing in low cost 3G handsets by the end of the year to cater to the deployment of newer technologies in India.”
Home Surf Touch Tablet is cheaper than most available smartphones but it can’t make calls. However, as a handheld media consumption and web-browsing device, it will probably serve relatively well, if one takes into account it doesn’t support Flash, and, has not revealed its WiFi specifications, which we assume to be 802.11b/g. The company refers to the device as an MID, or mobile internet device.
Calling it “almost as slim as an iPad”, the company is “committed to breaking the barriers of technology reaching the masses” with the device, and bring the high-end to everyone at “affordable prices”.
Other specifications of the device include 2GB onboard storage (once again we are forced to assume it will feature MicroSD or SD expandability), 128MB RAM, and as the brains behind the device, an ARM 11 667MHz processor. As for battery life, the company said the Home Surf Touch Tablet can “retain its charge for several hours in video, web browsing, and many other applications for daily use.”
Mr. Murthi, EVP Binatone India said, “Binatone plans to invest Rs 50 crores in the next 12 months in technology, product development and marketing. Our products are specifically “Indianised” with special features like “Audio boost”, “Power saver” and “Binatone Zone”, which all have been carefully market researched and implemented to address the specific Indian needs. Binatone is also bringing in low cost 3G handsets by the end of the year to cater to the deployment of newer technologies in India.”
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